On May 13, 2024, Honorable Judge Alexander Williams Jr. provided guest commentary in the Baltimore Sun on school violence. In the article, Williams notes the actors that can contribute to our awareness and reversal of school violence and its impact on our communities including parents, teachers, and the students themselves.
Violence in schools is an alarming challenge that is impacting the quality of learning. School districts across America have reported various incidents of aggression, including shootings and physical fights on school property and at school-sponsored events, slapping and physically assaulting teachers, threats, sexual violence, sexual harassment, video recording and posting assaults and violent behavior on TikTok and other social media, bullying and cyberbullying, and illegal possession of drugs and weapons.
Maryland has not been spared from such violence and last year reported a rise in incidents of cyberbullying, harassment, intimidation, physical aggression and other behavior threats. I was recently told by a friend who teaches at a public high school that he looked on in horror and almost disbelief at seeing a female student slam the head of another female student into a locker. Parents have expressed concern that students feel unsafe at school, or on their way to and from school. School violence not only disrupts learning but also has a negative impact on students, school staff and families.
There are no simple solutions. Enacting legislation similar to that recently passed in Tennessee and other states allowing teachers, educators and other staff members to carry concealed handguns on school campuses is not a core solution. Much more is required.
Learn more about the roles parents, community members, and students can do to put an end to school violence and foster safety and growth across communities, including Maryland.
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Educating kids about school violence begins at home | GUEST COMMENTARY